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Hamilton: a guidebook from memory follows the 2016 publication of Kitchener-Waterloo: a guidebook from memory (Motum/Samms). Like this previous iteration, we're inviting residents of our community to submit memories connected to places in our city. 

Memory submissions will be mapped or 'plotted' into a physical guidebook of Hamilton. Each story will be accompanied by a sketch of the memory location by local artist Jojo Chooi-Harley, as well as a short musical composition (streamable online) by Jonathan Harley. 

The final guidebook will be published in a limited print-run and will be made available for free as a digital e-book. We intend to launch the book with a walking of the map in early 2022.

It is our hope that this project will provide a creative and meaningful glance into the life and stories of residents in Hamilton; and offer an invitation to explore our city through the stories of our neighbours.


This project is made possible by the City of Hamilton’s Placemaking Grant Pilot Program with support from the Patrick J. McNally Charitable Foundation.

We invite you to share your story and follow our project as we collect the memories, histories, and ghosts of Hamilton. The artists can be contacted at Thanks for stopping by!

the Guidebooks from Memory project has been generously supported by

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